Friday, February 18, 2011

juliet, naked - nick hornby

this book was an easy read by nick hornby.
i started reading this author after seeing the movie 'about a boy' which is based on a book by the same name.
juliet, naked- is about a musician -Tucker Crowe-who suddenly disappears from public life at the peak of his popularity.
a woman Annie, who works at a museum and is not too happy with her job, her live in boy-friend Duncan, her lack of a child... It is actually Duncan who is devoted to all things Tucker-Crowe and the book begins with Annie and Duncan visiting the house where Tucker was last seen. Duncan also runs a website on Tucker- famous songs, concerts, last sighted, fan following and any trivia that can be collected from round the world on Tucker. 
the novelty of the book lies in the lucid description of Tucker Crowe's life and the  loneliness of the three main characters-annie, duncan and tucker. Annie's life gets enmeshed with that of Tucker and she falls out with Duncan with whom she has shared her life for 15 long years. 
Despite the fact that Tucker has slipped out of public life, he continues to have women  fall in love with him, share their lives with him and he also has chidren with them...multiple serial live-in relationships, without the formal bondage offered by marraige.
The part that i found the most interesting is when Tucker is in hospital after a mild heart attack and his entire life congregates- his past girl friends with his children, his child from his current girl friend and Annie.
Nick Hornby has been able to highlight through Tucker, Annie and Duncan, a deep rooted need that we have for attention, respect and affection. It is done in the context of current day society which places a premium on individual freedom, sexual liberty and the Internet age. All great achievements in our world today but sadly flawed as we see in the lives of Annie, Duncan and Tucker.

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